Charles Barrett Carroll, Junior, fondly known as "Barry", "Chief", or "Coach." Chief Carroll served the Carrollton Police Department for 32 years, beginning as a Patrol Officer and working his way up the ranks to the position of Chief of Police, where he served in this capacity for 15 years. This is the only Department in which Chief Carroll was employed. He served his entire law enforcement tenure at the Carrollton Police Department. 


Chief Carroll was a progressive, proactive, and innovative leader. He carried the Department forward with many initiatives, which often sprung from his emphasis on community-police concept. He began the Bike Patrol, the D.A.R.E. and School Resource Officer Programs, and the Foot Patrols through Adamson Square. In an effort to unite the citizens and police department, as well as continuing his life long emphasis on education, Carroll implemented Carrollton and Carroll County's first ever Citizens' Police Academy, both of which endeavor to build a cohesive relationship between citizens and law enforcement through education and communication. 


The tentacles of Barry's positive influence reached far beyond just our Department and went well beyond "just a badge." He served the Carrollton community in so many other ways beside law enforcement. The number of people's lives he touched is literally in the thousands. He coached little league baseball and football for 32 years. When the West Georgia Semi-Pro Football Team began, he volunteered even more of his time to take on this coaching endeavor. He was a member of the Carroll County Literacy Program, Carrollton Optimist Club, and the Mentoring Program. Exemplifying his belief in education, he attained his Master's Degree in Public Administration (MPA) in Justice Administration through the Georgia Command College, served as an Adjunct Instructor for Georgia Military College and the State University of West Georgia. 


The Barry Carroll Foundation seeks to continue to promote Chief Carroll's belief in education, with funds being used to support and promote community-police programs and educational programs within Carroll County. The foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, social and scientific purposes, including, but not limited to: the cultivating of fraternalism and mutual benefit among members of the lodge and local community; promoting benevolence and assistance to fellow law enforcement officers, public safety officials, and members of the local community; and the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. One of the primary objectives of this corporation is to benefit fraternal relations among law enforcement and the local communities they serve.